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Below is a list of publications.

As main author:

FINAL-All children back in school! Dropout prevention modules for teachers and school team

All Children Back in School: Dropout prevention modules for teachers and school teams

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, 2021

Building resilient education systems beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic_ 2021_edited.jpg

Building Resilient Education Systems beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Second set of considerations for school reopening.

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, 2021

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Reimagine Education with the Learning Passport Platform: The Case of Kosovo

UNICEF, 2021


Building Resilient Education Systems beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations for education decision-makers at national, local and school levels.

Geneva: UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, 2021


Early Warning Systems for Students at Risk of Dropping out. Policy and Practice Pointers for Enrolling All Children and Adolescents in School and Preventing Dropout. UNICEF Series on Education Participation and Dropout Prevention.

Geneva: UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, 2018.


Improving Education Participation. Policy and Practice Pointers for Enrolling All Children and Adolescents in School and Preventing Dropout.

UNICEF Series on Education Participation and Dropout Prevention, Volume 2. Geneva: UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, February 2017.


Identification of out-of-school children reaching the compulsory school age in Albania.

Tirana: Observatory for Children’s Rights, UNICEF, 2017.


Boite à outils Genre : Education, Formation Professionnelle et Emploi

Paris : AFD, 2015.


Identification of Out-of-School Children: A successful cross-sectoral approach in Lori Marz, Armenia

Yerevan: UNICEF Armenia, 2015.


Ensuring all children enrol, attend and complete education. Policy Brief Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)

Prishtina: UNICEF Kosovo, 2014.


Improving learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy: the experience of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Skopje: UNICEF, 2014.


Identification and Monitoring of Out-of-School Children and Dropping-out Students

Astana: UNICEF Kazakhstan, 2013.


Global Evaluation of Life Skills Education Programmes

New York: UNICEF, Education for Change, 2012.


Too Often in Silence: A report on school-based violence in West and Central Africa.

Dakar: UNICEF, Plan West Africa, Save the Children Sweden West Africa and ActionAid, 2010.


Too Often in Silence: Addressing violence in schools. Selected initiatives from West and Central Africa.

Dakar: Plan West Africa, Save the Children Sweden West Africa and ActionAid, 2010.


La Violence faite aux enfants en milieu scolaire au Mali.

Bamako : Plan Mali, Save the Children, 2010.


Where inequalities intersect: The challenge for gender equality in education in China.

London: Equals, Beyond Access: Gender, Education & Development, Issue 5, 2004.

As a contributing author:


Equity in Education for All: Manual for School Prevention and Response Teams Towards Abandonment and Non-Registration in Compulsory Education

Prishtina: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo, 2014.


Guidelines for working with children who do not attend school or are at risk of dropping out

Bishkek: UNICEF Kyrgyzstan, 2016.


Tous les enfants à l’école d’ici 2015. Initiative mondiale en faveur des enfants non scolarisés : Rapport Régional Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre.

Dakar : UNICEF WCARO, 2014.


Increasing Access and Equity in Early Childhood Education in CEE/CIS. Independent Multi-Country Evaluation.

Geneva: UNICEF, Education for Change Ltd, 2014.


Thematic Study on Education and Gender Equality.

London: Education for Change. For NORAD, 2013.


Africa Education Watch: Good Governance Lessons for Primary Education.

Berlin: Transparency International, 2010.


Fighting Corruption in the Education Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices.

New York: UNDP, Global Thematic Programme on Anti-Corruption for Development, 2011.


Evaluation of UNESCO’s contribution to Strategic Programme Objectives 9 and 10: “Strengthening the contribution of culture to sustainable development” and “Demonstrating the importance of exchange and dialogue among cultures to social cohesion and reconciliation in order to develop a culture of peace”.

Paris: UNESCO Internal Oversight Service, Education for Change, 2011.


Evaluation of UNESCO’s contribution to Strategic Programme Objectives12 and 13: “Enhancing universal access to information and knowledge” and “Fostering pluralistic free and independent media and infostructures”.

Paris: UNESCO Internal Oversight Service, Education for Change, 2010.


Rapport Final Congo : Evaluation des Projets NTIC de l’UNIKIN et de l’UNILU et études de faisabilité du programme transversal UNIVERSITIC

Brussels: VLIR-UOS, CUD, Education for Change, 2007.


Thematic evaluation of Belgian development co-operation in the education sector: Final Report.

Brussels: DGDC, Education for Change, South Research, 2007.


Evaluation of UNESCO’s support for National Planning for EFA. Synthesis Report.

Paris: UNESCO/IOS, Education for Change, 2006.

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